
Highlander’s Lost Pearl – Extended Epilogue


There was a lot of commotion in the castle. People were walking around, all of them carrying something, anything from food and wine to decorations for the celebrations.

Peigi had had something to do with all of that, but it was mostly because of Mrs. MacLeish that the feast for celebrating Hendry’s fifteen years as the Laird of clan Dunbar would be so grand. Peigi refused to take credit for it; besides, she spent most of her time with their three children, running around behind them and making sure that they behaved or that they were not running around the castle with dirt on their faces.

It was another one of those days, though it was easier than most. Peigi had taken the children to the edge of the forest near the castle grounds where they could play and also help her gather everything that she needed. Every now and then, she still gathered some herbs, some leafy greens, and some snails to take back to the castle and cook herself, and she was still met with the same resistance from everyone but her husband when it came to eating them.

Mrs. MacLeish kept reminding her there was no need for her to cook such things anymore; in fact, there was no need for her to cook at all. Peigi had always liked it though, and she wasn’t about to stop doing such simple tasks simply because she was the Lady of the clan and she could have someone else do them for her.

She smiled as she watched her two eldest, a boy and a girl, run around the clearing as they played. Her youngest one, another boy, was in her arms, as he was still too young to join his brother and sister, but he also seemed happy to watch them.

As with every child, a fall was inevitable, and both of her older children fell down as they chased each other, which forced them to erupt into wailing cries.

“Ach, ye wee ones,” Peigi said, standing up from the rock that she was using as her seat and walking over to them. She made sure that they weren’t hurt, and soon enough, they had both stopped crying and were smiling again, the shock of falling already forgotten. “Shall we go to papa?”

The children shouted their agreement, and she followed them as they made their way back to the castle, always keeping a close eye on them. She had never stopped being paranoid, not even after all the years she had spent without seeing her father or anyone from the Black Stags. In fact, there had been few threats since Hendry had defeated the brigands, as everyone had learned their lesson; no one could be his match.

When they were back at the castle, the children ran to Hendry, who was speaking to a merchant in the courtyard, and he picked both of them up, one in each arm. Peigi joined him, pressing a kiss on his cheek, and their two children did the same, making Hendry laugh in delight.

“Where have ye been?” he asked. “Did mama show ye the forest?”

The children started babbling excitedly, the older girl talking about the woods while the younger boy struggled a little to find the right words, his vocabulary still limited by his age. Their son, the one that Peigi had in her arms, was cooing softly, and Peigi held him close to her, rocking him gently as she did.

“Are ye ready for the feast tomorrow?” Peigi asked. “Beitris sent a letter that I just received this morning . . . she said she’ll be coming. In fact, she said she wouldnae miss it for the world.”

“Ach, that’s a relief,” Hendry said. “I feared that she would send her brother instead . . . or worse, her father. I cannae imagine what I’d do if I opened the gates and saw him.”

Peigi laughed, shaking her head at her husband. “Dinnae be rude, Hendry. Besides, I ken that yer fonder of him than ye say ye are.”

Hendry neither confirmed nor denied that, but Peigi didn’t need him to do either. She knew her husband too well for him to lie to her. Besides, before either of them could say anything, the gates to the castle opened once more, and a medicinal cart led by a cloaked figure entered the castle grounds.

Peigi frowned as she gazed at the figure, unable to make out any features, even in broad daylight.

“Who is that?” she asked Hendry, who seemed to be just as confused as she was.

“Shall we find out?” Hendry asked as he walked towards the figure, Peigi following close behind.

“M’lord,” a voice said from under the hood, before the figure pushed the hood back, revealing the youthful, though rugged face of a man with dark hair and blue eyes. It was no one that Hendry or Peigi recognized, which could only mean that he was a traveler. “I come to ye seeking a place to stay and a place to work.”

Peigi looked at Hendry expectantly. After all, she had once been in the man’s shoes, not that long ago, and Hendry remembered that.

“All travelers who seek help are welcome in my clan,” he said. “Come . . . tell me where ye come from.”

Peigi walked back to her two children, taking the younger by the hand as the oldest followed close behind, the four of them walking back to the castle.

In the distance, she could hear Hendry laugh.


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  • Enjoyed this book. Loved the fact that the cooks name was Mrs MacLeish since my maiden name is McLeish and my dad was born in Scotland. I hope that we get a follow up regarding the stranger. Maybe Biestris will find her true love after all.

  • This story was good but predictable. I appreciated Peigi’s desire to compensate for her father’s evil ways.

  • Loved this story.Glad there was a happy ending.Now I see a new story forming with the new traveler.

  • Loved this book, the story really held my interest. I do feel one sex scene was more than enough, but I could skip through the pages. Loved the characters and how their parts played out.

  • I loved the story! I did not put it down until I was finished. It had all the emotions, love, hate revenge and suspense, I think there should have been more romance before the first love scene because to me that it jump a scene and it didn’t lead up to it. The rest of the story was really good so I soon forgot about it. I gave it 5 stars.

  • Peigi and Hendry are two good hearted souls who deserved their happily ever after. Thank you for sharing their wonderful tale.

  • What a lovely story! I thoroughly enjoyed the love story of Peigi and Hendry! There was plenty of danger, drama, love, hate, suspense and revenge! I was so happy to see Britt is staid in there life! I was happy to see and hear about their children! I would love to have seen more love scenes! I give 5 stars for this wonderful book

  • I loved the book. I would have liked to see what happened to Peigi’s father though. Can’t wait to read the next story.

  • It was great! More love ❤️ and need to know about her father.
    When is the story being finished??

  • Good book. Enjoyed how the story evolved. Two truly good people who remain together and start good life. I would also have liked to see what happened to Piegi’s father and see the Laird with his children.


  • Thank you for the chance to read this novel and to find out more about Peigi and Hendry. If more books come out I would enjoy reading them as well. I give it 5 stars .

  • Great story and not too long, characters strong ! Interesting in Fathers whereabouts. Epilogue was good and cliffhanger “could it be about her Dad?” Thanks for story!

  • Loved this story of Peigi and Hendry! They are unusual characters and I was pleasantly surprised to see that Peigi wasn’t the daughter of a laird. Hendry is also unusual, retaining a kind nature despite his losses.

  • 5 stars, what a wonderful story, the main characters are endearing and complex, both are enchanting. This story shows how unpredictable life can be! Hope to hear more of this couple in the futurre.

  • Great book. Realistic insights as to how people lived so many years ago. The clan system is exceptionally interesting!

  • What a wonder exciting novel. Peigi grabs you instantly and never let’s you go until the awesome ending. Thoroughly enjoyed.

  • Enjoyed the story and it’s characters. I thought coming from the world of the bandits was a nice twist to the story. Looking forward to the sequel.

  • I loved the story but was afraid the traveler was going to be bad news evidently I was wrong I hope we get a second novel about these people.

  • All I can say is I loved it. I always love it when good and love wins over evil. I also wonder what happened to the Site after he vanished from the castle.

  • Such a great story! I recalled enjoyed seeing the characters grow. Really looking forward to finding out who this stranger is.

  • Delightful and romantic. A good read. However, the story ending felt like a skip in chapters. What happened to Peigi’s father, the fate of the Black Stag’s ill begotten gains? Seemed a little rushed and incomplete.

  • Love never fails. Evilness does not win. Not even in the society that we live in today. Loved the characters. I enjoy the books you write. I have read 6 in a row. Thank you.

  • I really enjoyed this book a day look forward to reading more of your books. Good plots, interesting characters and intrigue. Thank you.

  • Great characters. Two strong individuals coming together to build a stronger clan adding much love and compassion. Great read.

  • You will love reading this book. Miss Thompson really brings the characters to life. I enjoyed it very much. Although the extended epilogue was not needed, it doesn’t add any thing really to the story.

  • Love this. Would like to know what happened to Peigi’s father and who is the stranger that came in the end.Would love to read more. Great job.!!!

  • Exciting, perhaps a lead to a new book. Shona you fill my days up, I find every moment of housework so much more enjoyable because at the end I fall into another of your magical stories….dont stop writing

    • Really? Oh, I’m so happy to hear it my dear Marianne! Well… more is coming. Maybe Beitris will find her love as well 😉

  • Another great story. I loved Provo’s character. She was a determined lass. Henry such a giving laird helped all. It’s no wonder they found each other.

  • I wanted the story to continue…. who is the cloaked man? Great story. Loved the slightly flawed Laird. Another one down, another to look forward to. Thank you Shona for sharing your creative mind with us!

  • I enjoyed reading about Henry and Pegig. I love all the Highland and lowland stories about different clans and their people keep JP the good stories. Martha

    • Thank you so much for your warm words, my beloved Martha! I’m so glad you enjoyed the story! ❤️

    • Thank you so much for your kind words, my dear Carol! I’m so happy you liked the novel! ❤️

  • Losing sleep reading your books. I think I read almost all your books nonstop. Your books are easy to read and love strong Lass characters. Thank you for your hard work.

  • Thoroughly enjoyed the story. Have just started reading your books. Looking forward to the other stories. Thank you ❤️

  • A very nice read! I didn’t put the book down. Now…who is this blue eyed stranger….a family member of Hendry, perhaps?

    • Hello my dear Bonnie, thank you so much for your support! Well you are getting close to find out my dear…

    • I’m thrilled you enjoyed it! It’s so heartwarming to see characters overcome their struggles and find their happily ever after. Thank you for your kind words, my dear Deborah! 💖📚

    • I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed the story Margaret ! ☺️ As for the stranger…I can promise you that the answer will unfold in time 💕 Stay tuned and you will find out everything ✨

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